Jun 6, 2011

The Mice Are Finally Here!!!!

At long last!!! We have the mice!!! Only one has a name. Bambina. We'll probably call the golden one that but I haven't talked to Wendy about that yet... Anyways, yeah. The brown and white one doesn't have a name. It was supposed to be a guy mouse but the pet store didn't have any. So it's a girl. So much for Giuliano... My mom is pretty happy about that, she was worried that we would have five thousand baby mice running around the house... she's probably right :) Oh well, now that they are both girls, there is no danger of anything like that happening, obviously.

When we were picking them out we considered getting rats instead. Our mom vetoed that. She says they're unsanitary. I think they're cute. Except for this white, wrinkly bald one with red eyes that we saw. They called it a hairless rat. I don't see why anyone would pay $16 for one of those. It was disgusting.

We also looked at gerbils but it said that they are
most active at night so we didn't get one of those, either. Besides, it said that mice are most active during the day and that you can teach them tricks. So a mouse it was.

When we brought them home in the car, they were in this little white box with holes punched in the sides. Immediately after we drove away from the pet store, the mice set to work trying to chew the holes larger so that they could escape. Fortunately, it was not a very long drive home and their attempt at escape was thwarted.

Now we are working on getting them used to us since they never got handled at the pet store. The golden one is actually pretty friendly but the brown and white one gets nervous when you pick it up. Soon we will begin our experimenting...

You know, that's sounds really cruel when you say it like that. Hahaha, I hope PETA doesn't read this, they'd be all over us. But it's not really cruel at all. I mean, you have two mice and you put them through a maze... Not a big deal. I think we (Wendy and I) are well on our way to becoming the world's most renowned mouse scientists. Maybe. Or, maybe not. In any case, it costs $20 to get our autograph... Just in case you were wondering.


Ps. Here's another picture of the mice... they are SOOOOOO cute!!!! My parents hate mice, but I don't see why, they are really adorable. The mice have to live in the garage because
my parents have had a "no rodents in the house" rule since my sister's hamster escaped from its cage and got loose in the house. (It drowned in the sump pump, in case you were wondering.)

Of course, that doesn't mean they don't ever come in the house but mom and dad don't have to know this, do they??? Earlier today I had them up in my bedroom. (HORRORS OF HORRORS, right?!?!?!?!) They were playing on the floor when my dad came upstairs and knocked on the door. Of course, I couldn't just let him discover my like that so the mice were stuffed back in their carrying box, stuffed in the closet, and the doors were closed. That incident ended well but I don't think it would have if he had known that the scratching coming from the closet was a real live mouse. Ahh, the things kids do these days...

1 comment:

  1. I know! Everybody is so mean to mice....they're CUTE! Sheeeesh, I bet people are just jealous.
